Interlocking - Nova

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Nova (Stewart Coffin)
Larger Photograph (83.5K)

Nova (Skor-Mor)
Larger Photograph (71.0K)

Nova (Skor-Mor)
Larger Photograph (70.4K)

Nova (Lee Krasnow)
Larger Photograph (88.1K)
Designer:Stewart Coffin
Craftsman:Stewart Coffin (1st)
Skor-Mor (2nd & 3rd)
Lee Krasnow (4th)
Material:Rosewood (1st)
Injection Molded Plastic (2nd & 3rd)
Bolivian Rosewood, Cambodian Rosewood, Gaboon Ebony, Macassar Ebony & Cocobolo,

Six identical symmetrical pieces assemble into the second stellation of the rhombic dodecahedron. About one hundred were made, mostly from from Zebrawood, in 1972. The version in the 2nd and 3rd photographs was made by Skor-Mor for their Geo-Logic line. Number 8 (one wood), 8A (Skor-Mor) & 8B (four woods) in Stewart's numbering system.
More information in The Puzzling World of Polyhedral Dissections
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