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August 24, 2017

On the Miscellaneous page links to a few puzzle auction sites have been added. Check these sites periodically for new auctions. Most of the sites let you sign up for notifications.

A link to the Cubism For Fun site has also been placed on the Miscellaneous page. Cubism For Fun is the newsletter of the Nederlandse Kubus Club. Cubism For Fun is a newsletter which appears three time each year.

December 20, 2014

Puzzle World, and all of the sites on the johnrausch.com/puzzleworld.org domain have had all Microsoft FrontPage dependencies removed. Also, all Java applets were deleted. Java applets have been identified as a security risk and you have to jump though hoops to get them to run. For Puzzle World, it's not worth it. Nick Baxter will be looking into a replacement for the applet on the Sliding Block Puzzle site.

Without FrontPage, the search function will not work, so it now uses Google. It will take a few days for Google to crawl the site and update links.

There is a good chance that I will be adding quite a bit in the next few months. I have a lot of photos and other material of interest. For example, I hope to link to all of Stewart Coffin's original puzzle instructions and design notes from his puzzle pages.

Please send any comments of suggestion to me at the email address in the copyright at the bottom of the page.

May 23, 2012 - Not Much!

Broken links were cleaned up and The Puzzling World of Polyhedral Dissections was completely overhauled. When it was created, most people were on 14.4 or 28.8 modems and pages needed to be small. The revised site has complete chapters on a single page and is much easier to read or print. If you have any links into this site, you will likely have to revise them. I didn't find too many -- only those into sub-headings with the chapters.

Puzzle World is still meeting its primary objective to locate puzzlers and have them make contact. When started, it was one of only a few mechanical puzzle sites, but now there are at least a hundred, including the collection from the Lily Library. So, I am reluctant to devote a lot of time to add a ton more puzzles even though I could. It's time consuming and I'd rather play with puzzles.

Puzzle World ©1997-2024 by John Rausch
For questions or comments regarding this site, contact the chief metagrobologist: