Interlocking - Cube
aka Wookey Hole

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Cube (Stewart Coffin)
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Cube (Stewart Coffin)
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Wookey Hole (Pentangle)
Designer:Stewart Coffin
Craftsman:Stewart Coffin (1st & 2nd)
Pentangle (3rd)
Material:Cherry, Mahogany, Maple, Rosewood & Padauk (1st)

An earlier version called Ortho-Cube was Stewart's first wooden puzzle design. Mechanically it was identical, but made from all birch. There are three kinds of pieces, four each. One of each produces four identical subassemblies which mate to complete the puzzle. Stewart called it Cube. It is sold by Pentangle as Wookey Hole. Stewart made 100 in 1971 and 1972. Number 1A in his numbering system.
More information in The Puzzling World of Polyhedral Dissections
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