Interlocking - Convolution

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Convolution (Stewart Coffin)
Larger Photograph (57.4K)

Convolution (Stewart Coffin)
Convolution (Tom Lensch)
Convolution (Bart Buie)
Larger Photograph (111.6K)

Convolution (Bart Buie)
Larger Photograph (122.1K)

Convolution - Partially disassembled (Bart Buie)
Larger Photograph (91.4K)
Designer:Stewart Coffin
Craftsman:Stewart Coffin (1st & 2nd)
Tom Lensch (3rd)
Interlocking Puzzles (4th)
Bart Buie (5th & 6th)
Material:Cherry & Unknown (1st)
Mahogany (2nd)
Pau Marfim & Chakte Kok (3rd)
Zebrawood & Indian Rosewood (4th)
Bocote & Ebony (5th & 6th)

The Convolution puzzle is a dissection of a 4x4x4 cube. The goal for this puzzle was to make it serially interlocking with symmetrical patterns on the outside faces. One of the pieces (3rd during disassembly - left-front in bottom photograph) must be rotated slightly during assembly and disassembly. Stewart made 50 from 1980 to 1983. Number 30 in his numbering system.
More information in The Puzzling World of Polyhedral Dissections
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