Bill Cutler

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Bill Cutler is a mathematician and systems anaylst living in Illinois. His main interest is in burrs and packing (box-filling) puzzles. He has published an article in The Journal Of Recreational Mathematics on the Six-Piece Burr and published two booklets Holey 6-Piece Burr! and A Computer Analysis of All 6-Piece Burrs. He has designed a wide variety of burrs in addition to his well known (within the world of metagrobologists) work on the Six-Piece Burr.
Bill has also developed quite a few packing puzzles. He sells computer software that solves general box filling puzzles. One of these was called Blockhead by Bill and is currently for sale in puzzle and gift stores just about everywhere. It is sold as Sneaky Squares.
Bill can be contacted regarding the availability of his puzzles or other subjects through his web site Bill Cutler Puzzles Inc. or at:

Bill Cutler
405 Balsam Lane
Palatine, IL 60067

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