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This is the largest and oldest class of mechanical puzzles. They are solved by assembling pieces together. The most common, and popular, member of this family is the jigsaw puzzle which was invented in 1760 by an Englishman, John Spilsbury. Most mechanical puzzle collectors do not collect jigsaw puzzles, though some modern handcrafted ones by Stave Puzzles, F. A. Bourke, and a few others are of such high quality, they certainly deserve mention. Stave's, in particular, are often made from original colorful art work designed specifically for one jigsaw puzzle and contain very difficult puzzles within a puzzle.
Another notable puzzle is the Tangram. This seven-piece puzzle became popular around 1800 in China and by 1820, in Europe and the United States. It has remained on the market by one manufacturer or another ever since. In the 1890's, the German firm Richter, known for their Anchor Stone Building Sets, started a line of disection puzzles with a Tangram set. These puzzles are very collectable today. The company ceased production in 1963, but was recently restarted and they are once again producing the building sets and the Tangram set. There are plans to produce others.
Other two-dimensional put-together puzzles include checkerboard puzzles and Pentominoes.
Three-dimensional put-together puzzles include the Soma Cube, Solid Pentominoes, packing puzzles and Puzzle Rings.

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