Bridge Scene of Tokyo Ryogoku in the Age of Civilization

by Utagawa Hiroshige

made by Liberty Puzzles

23.75 x 11.75 inches - 562 laser-cut pieces from 0.25 inch plywood

I can't find very much information about this woodblock other than it was made as a triptych, most likely because of its size. The jigsaw is a composite of the three and is 23.75 x 11.25 inches, the widest jigsaw from Liberty I have personally seen. It has 562 pieces.

It is not as difficult as it looks. With most jigsaws, I end up making clumps of different areas in the scene. This one was done in layers. I started at the dark part of the sky at the top, then the lighter sky, the distant detail, and top the part of the bridge. Then I switched to the bottom and worked my way up to the bridge support timbers. They took quite a bit of time.