Ball and Ring Pseudo-Jiggle Puzzle
Designer: Kohno Ichiro
Goal: Place the pachinko ball at the top of the hill, with the wooden ring around the top of the hill.
Materials: Wood, iron ball, acrylic plate
Classification: Dexterity
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: ki30 (at)
for this or other puzzles .
Designer: Christian Cormier
Goal: Find the eight-ball
Materials: Aluminum/stainless steel
Classification: Sequential Discovery (2.1 Trick Opening, 5.5 Maze)
Purchase: Visit Chris.C. Puzzle on Facebook; US$485 plus shipping; limited edition of 100.
Bitcoin Maze
Designer: Robrecht Louage
Goal: Remove the coin
Materials: Trespa, steel balls
Classification: Sequential Discovery (Take Apart)
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Email email: rlouage (at) .
Borromean Cage
Designer: Doug Engel
Goal: Remove the constellation from its Borromean cage, then return it to inside the cage.
Materials: Plastic
Classification: 3.6 Misc. Interlocking
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: dengel99 (at)
or visit the Puzzleatomik Etsy shop; $19.59 plus shipping.
Box of the Celts
Designer: Numbskull Puzzles (Matt M)
Goal: Unravel the knot to unlock the mysteries and find your prize.
Materials: 3D-printed PLA+
Classification: Sequential Discovery (Take-Apart, Maze, etc.)
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: numbskullpuzzles (at)
or message "FroodLoops" on the MP Discord or Reddit to be added to the "interest list"; no firm upfront commitment required.
Designer: Laszlo Molnar
Goal: Pack the pieces into the box with rotating panels
Materials: Wood
Classification: 1.2 3D-assembly
Brass Monkey 4
Designer: Two Brass Monkeys (Steve Nicholls, Ali Morris, and Brian)
Goal: Disassemble and reassemble the six piece cylindrical burr.
Materials: Brass
Classification: INT-OTH, RTF-ANY, OPN-OTH
Purchase: Visit ; £93 including worldwide shipping.
Burr Bot
Designer: Andrew Crowell
Goal: Discover what the Burr Bot has eaten.
Materials: PLA plastic and magnets
Classification: Hybrid - Burr Puzzle and Trick Opening Box
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: arc.woodpuzzles (at)
or visit arcWoodPuzzles .
Butterfly Loops
Designer: William Waite
Link the pieces outside the tray into a loop of any shape and any number of pieces from 3 up to all 12.
Fit the set of 12 pieces in the tray
Materials: Walnut and alder
Classification: 2-D assembly
Purchase: Visit
Caffe Latte
Designer: Bruno Hemon
Goal: Pack the seven pieces and the sugar cube into the cup, and enjoy your drink! Then also enjoy the unpacking experience.
Materials: 3D-print
Classification: ASS-OTH
Purchase: Visit
Chiral 2&2
Designer: Koichi Miura
Goal: Pack the four pieces into the box.
Materials: Wood, acrylic
Classification: 3D Assembly
Coherent Convoys
Designer: Namick Salakhov, Goetz Schwandtner
Move all ships from the starting (blue) channel through the lock (gray channel) and into the red channel.
Add the small spacer at the blue end of the lock, then move all ships from the red channel to the blue channel., except that the guard ships (light red and light blue) will remain in the lock.
Add the large spacer at the red end of the lock (remove the small spacer), then move all ships from the blue channel to the red channel, again leaving the guard ships in the lock.
Materials: Vinyl, acrylic
Classification: 5.3. Sequential Movement
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Email email: nsalakhov (at) .
Coin Puzzle
Designer: Kohno Ichiro
Goal: Remove the coin
Materials: Wood, acrylic
Classification: Take-Apart
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: ki30 (at)
for this or other puzzles .
Designer: Koichi Miura
Goal: Place the four pieces inside the hexagonal tray.
Materials: Acrylic
Classification: 3D Assembly
Designer: Artifact Design Co (Will Hughes)
Goal: Access the secret compartment and decipher the plaque inscription.
Materials: Painted PLA+
Classification: Take-Apart
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: hello (at) .
Designer: Cristian Poliziani
Goal: Assemble the 27 cubes to obtain a 3x3x3 cube with each of the six faces showing a single unique color.
Materials: Walnut, Plexiglass, Poplar plywood
Classification: Put -Together
Purchase: Keep informed through NoWayPuzzle on Instagram or visit NoWayPuzzle .
Designer: Kyoo Wong
Goal: Disassemble and assemble the four mutually interlocked pieces.
Materials: Zinc alloy
Classification: Take-Apart
Purchase: Available from Hanayama resellers.
Darwin's Drawer
Designer: Theo Geerinck, Symen Hovinga
Goal: Put the four pieces into the drawer and close it.
Materials: PLA
Classification: 3D assembly
Purchase: Visit No Problem Puzzle Shop ; price: From US$30 plus shipping; 3D printed on demand.
Double Circle Real 6x6x6
Designer: Carl Hoff
Goal: Restore the puzzle to its solved state. Each face should be a single color, with the exception of super-stickered components that have a secondary color to give otherwise identical pieces a unique position and orientation in the solved state.
Materials: SLS Nylon and Laser Cut Acrylic
Classification: SEQ-GRP (Twisty Puzzle)
Purchase: Visit the grigorusha shop Etsy shop; also available as kits through Shapeways or i.Materialise (Contact the designer by
email: carl.n.hoff (at) )
Double Jigsaw Puzzle 5 alpha
Designer: Sky Huang
Goal: Arrange the five two-layer puzzle pieces so that their bottom layer fills the 5x5 frame, and that there is no overlapping in the top layer.
Materials: Acrylic
Classification: 1.2. 3D assembly / JIG-LAYR
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: skyboybgame (at) .
Double Jigsaw Puzzle 6 alpha
Designer: Sky Huang
Goal: Arrange the six two-layer puzzle pieces so that their bottom layer fills the 6x6 frame, and that there is no overlapping in the top layer.
Materials: Acrylic
Classification: 1.2. 3D assembly / JIG-LAYR
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: skyboybgame (at) .
Double Trouble
Designer: Maja Dziwok
Goal: Intertwine the two elements until they are fully locked. Then disassemble the elements.
Materials: Laser-cut wood
Classification: 3.6 Miscellaneous interlocking solid
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: maja.dziwok (at) .
Dozen of Bottles
Designer: Ryuhei Uehara
Goal: Pack the 12 bottle pieces in the frame in an anti-slide configuration.
Materials: MDF
Classification: ASS-OTH
Dump Them 1
Designer: Theo Geerinck, Symen Hovinga
Goal: Pack the five polycubes in the box with the swinging lid shut.
Materials: PLA
Classification: 3D assembly
Purchase: Visit No Problem Puzzle Shop ; price: from US$25 plus shipping; 3D printed on demand.
Feed the Monkey
Designer: Two Brass Monkeys (Steve Nicholls, Ali Morris)
Goal: Please help the monkey fully swallow 17 brass bananas.
Materials: Brass, powder-coated aluminum
Classification: ASS-OTH
Purchase: Visit TwoBrassMonkeys ; price: £116 GBP including postage. The puzzle is not limited and further copies will be made to satisfy demand.
Flippe Ball
Designer: George Bell
Open the ball.
Understand how it works.
Materials: PLA plastic, steel ball
Classification: [2.1] Take Apart, OPN-OTH Opening other objects
Purchase: Visit the PolyPuzzles Etsy shop or Grand Iillusions .
Designer: Hajime Katsumoto
Goal: Pack four identical pieces into the case.
Materials: Wood (case, piece), Acrylic (lid)
Classification: 1.2 3D assembly
Designer: William Hu
Goal: Assemble the four pieces into a 4x4x4 cube (with holes).
Materials: Wood
Classification: 3.2 Interlocking Solid
Gump's Chocolates
D esigner: Zhao Yue
Put the two-sided pieces in the box so that same-color chocolates do not share an edge.
Put the two-sided pieces in the box so that same-colored chocolates are connected.
Materials: PLA
Classification: ASS-CART
Designer: Dr. Volker Latussek
Goal: Pack the six pairs into the box.
Materials: Cherry, Bubingo and Maple
Classification: 3D packing
Purchase: Visit Rombol Puzzles
Heavy Oden
Designer: Noboru Hayashi
Goal: Disentangle the seven parts
Materials: Steel nail
Classification: Disentanglement
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: kuginowa75 (at) .
Designer: Eric Fuller, Matt Dawson
Goal: Open all three boxes to reveal gems hidden inside.
Materials: Maple, purpleheart, yellowheart, goncalo alves, metal
Classification: 2.1 Trick Opening
Holonomy Maze 1
Designer: Henry Segerman
Goal: Remove the green piece from the purple sphere.
Materials: 3D printed (SLS) nylon plastic, dye
Classification: 5.5 Maze & route
Purchase: Visit Mathematical Art at Shapeways
Jigsaw Cube [4-colors]
Designer: KUMIKIYA (Ueda Harunobu)
Is it possible to assemble all eight pieces into a cube?
If you think it is impossible, think about why. Otherwise, think about how to do it.
Materials: Nylon plastic
Classification: Possibly impossible ojbect
Purchase: Visit Kumikiya shop ; cost assembled: ¥15,000. Alternatively, visit DMM.make or Kumikiya Shop at Shapeways.
K3 Tiling Puzzle
Designer: KUMIKIYA (Ueda Harunobu)
Goal: Put all the pieces into the inner frame.
Materials: Natural wood (maple, black walnut, padauk) and MDF
Classification: Put-Together
Purchase: Visit Kumikiya shop ; Price and timing are undecided.
Kawai Tsugite Joint Puzzle
Designer: Roland Koch
Goal: Assemble eight pieces to form a hollow cube.
Materials: PETG
Classification: INT-POLY
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Email email: roland.koch (at) . Prints on demand in two different sizes.
If there is enough interest, a limited wooden or metal printed version may be made.
Light Oden
Designer: Noboru Hayashi
Goal: Disentangle the four parts
Materials: Steel nails
Classification: Disentanglement
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: kuginowa75 (at) .
Designer: Dr. Volker Latussek
Goal: Put all four pentominos inside the frame so that they can slide out of the opening in the side of the frame.
Materials: Various woods
Classification: 2D Packing
Purchase: Visit Pelikan Puzzles
Designer: Laszlo Molnar
Goal: Pack the pieces into the box with the sliding lid panel.
Materials: Wood
Classification: 1.2 3D assembly
Designer: Zhongyu Jiang
Goal: Place all the pieces into the frame.
Materials: Wood
Classification: 2D Assemby
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: 1179544217 (at)
; price: US$29.90 plus shipping.
Nail Quartet
Designer: Noboru Hayashi
Goal: Disentangle the four parts
Materials: Steel nails
Classification: Disentanglement
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: kuginowa75 (at) .
Designer: Cristian Poliziani
Goal: Separate the two parts of the spinning top, and reveal the prize.
Materials: Poplar and birch plywood
Classification: Take-apart
Purchase: Keep informed at NoWayPuzzle on Instagram or visit No Way Puzzle .
Designer: Ilya Osipov
Goal: Twist the faces so that all surfaces are retracted.
Materials: Plastic
Classification: SEQ-GRP
Purchase: Will be available retail in 2022.
The Pill
Designer: Jesper Bille
Goal: Find the flag and figure out the mechanisms, then put it back together.
Materials: Aluminium, PLA plastic, steel spring and pin
Classification: INT-BOX
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: bille (at)
or visit ; price is US$164. So far 50 has been produced; more can be produced quickly.
Designer: Cristian Poliziani
Goal: Move the five pieces in the inner maze until the central square can be completely removed.
Materials: Poplar plywood
Classification: 5. Sequential Movement
Purchase: Keep informed through NoWayPuzzle on Instagram or visit No Way Puzzle .
Psi Quantum Entanglement
Designer: Carl Hoff
Goal: Restore each face to a single color, just like a Rubik's Cube.
Materials: SLS Nylon and Laser-cut Acrylic
Classification: SEQ-GRP / 5.4 Twisty Puzzles
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: carl.n.hoff (at) .
Designer: Yavuz Demirhan
Goal: Pack all pieces inside the box.
Materials: Wenge, ash, sapelli, acrylic
Classification: Box Packing
Purchase: Visit CRUX ; also at PuzzleMaster or Puzzle-Shop .
Designer: Laszlo Tompa
Goal: Construct the 54-layer block containing 120 embedded cylinders.
Materials: Oak or maple wood
Classification: 3D Geometric Object
Purchase: Visit ; US$1,330.
Rakkako Cube
Designer: Laszlo Tompa
Goal: Construct the 20-layer cube containing 12 embedded stair-cones.
Materials: Oak wood
Classification: 3D Geometric Object
Purchase: Visit ; US$180.
Designer: Frederic Boucher, Eric Fuller
Free the visitor from his psychic prison
Unlock the vortex
Retrieve the spaceship without using rotations (to avoid making the vortex even more unstable)
Navigate the vortex and retrieve the spaceship parts:
Thick and thin antenna assemblies
Silver fuel disk
Gold reactor orb
Six-orb navigation AI module
Materials: Woods: koa, canxan, catalox, bloodwood, chakte viga, etc.
Classification: Take-Apart
Purchase: Sold out ; possible re-released in the future.
Safe Safari
Designer: Sjaak Griffioen
Goal: Complete the placement of pieces so that no animal can "attack" any other (based of various chess move-like abilities).
Materials: Plastic board and pieces and paper booklet
Classification: 1.3 Miscellaneous put-together
Purchase: Available from Popular Playthings resellers .
Designer: Doug Engel
Goal: Disassemble and reassemble the planet
Materials: Plastic
Classification: 3.6 Misc Interlocking Solid
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: dengel99 (at)
or visit the Puzzleatomik Etsy shop. Quantity can be increased as needed. Price $12.00 plus shipping.
Sequential Discovery Cubed Box
Designer: Junichi Yananose (Juno)
Goal: Open the box
Materials: Wood, metal
Classification: Sequential Discovery (2.1 Trick-opening)
Designer: John Liu
Goal: Remove the metal ring.
Materials: Metal, cloth
Classification: Disentanglement
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Email email: 214976205 (at) .
Shape Changer
Designer: Sándor Bozóki
Goal: Assemble the pieces into a 4x4x3 block.
Materials: Plastic Abercubes, metal screws
Classification: 3.2 Geometric Object
Designer: George Sicherman, Kate Jones
Goal: Arrange 9 pieces to form each of the 12 pentominoes and each of the 5 tetrominoes.
Materials: Laser-cut acrylic pieces
Classification: 1.1 2D Put-Together
Purchase: Visit gamepuzzles ; price: US$39 .
Shrinking Soma
Designer: Dr. Volker Latussek
Goal: Fill and support the top layer of the box with the seven parts of Soma Cube in an antisliding way.
Materials: American walnut and maple
Classification: 3D Assembly
Purchase: Visit Pelikan Puzzles
Six Circles
Designer: Doug Engel
Goal: Disassemble and reassemble the circles.
Materials: Plastic
Classification: 3..6 Misc. Interlocking Solid
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: dengel99 (at)
or visit the Puzzleatomik Etsy shop. Price US$15 plus shipping.
Designer: George Sicherman
Completely cover-up the green pieces with the white pieces.
Put all the pieces into the main tray without overlapping.
Materials: Acrylic
Classification: 1.1 2D Assembly
Purchase: Visit WoodWonders ; price US $19 .
Social Distance Soma Cube
Designer: Lucie Pauwels
Goal: Assemble the pieces to form a cube.
Materials: Wood, MDF
Classification: 3D Put-Together
Soma Burr
Designer: Rod Bogart
Goal: Fit the Soma pieces inside the traditional three board knot burr.
Materials: Wood (figured maple and chechen)
Classification: 3.4 Burr
Purchase: Visit CubicDissection ; 3D printed version also available at Operating Machinery .
Squary Pack No.10
Designer: Yavuz Demirhan
Goal: Pack all pieces inside the box.
Materials: Wenge, ash, sapelli, acrylic
Classification: Box Packing
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: yavuzdemirhan (at) .
Static Soma
Designer: Mike Quigley
Goal: Using the standard Soma pieces construct an anti-slide structure (all directions) inside a 5x5x5 box.
Materials: Exotic woods and acrylic
Classification: 1.2 3D Assembly
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Email email: puzzling.time (at) ; limited quantity available.
Trapezoid Enthusiast
Designer: Zhongyu Jiang
Goal: Place all the pieces into the frame.
Materials: Wood
Classification: 1.1 2D Assembly
Purchase: Contact the designer by
email: 1179544217 (at)
; price: US$29.90 plus shipping.
Turn Back
Designer: Kyoo Wong
Slide the cubes in order to make all black faces upward.
Slide the cubes so that the upward face of the cubes match the color of the base.
Materials: Plastic
Classification: 5.6. Misc. Sequential Movement
Turn Them In
Designer: Theo Geerinck, Symen Hovinga
Goal: Pack the four pieces in the box with the lid shut.
Materials: Wood PLA
Classification: 1.2 3D Assembly
Purchase: Visit No Problem Puzzle Shop ; price:US$50 plus shipping; 3D printed on demand.
Turtle Trip
Designer: Gerard Hudson
Goal: Help the turtle find his pants and join the Pond Party.
Materials: PLA Plastic, metal, electronics
Classification: Sequential Discovery
Purchase: Visit Bayou Puzzles ; puzzle is restocked around every two months.
Twin Tetrahedra
Designer: Masakazu Kobayashi
Assemble two tetrahedrons from the 12 pieces
Combine two tetrahedron
Materials: Wood: hinoki
Classification: 1.2 3D Put-Together
Twist-Cubes 16P [Checker & Rainbow]
Designer: KUMIKIYA (Ueda Harunobu)
Make a 4x4x1 block
Make six different checkered patterns: each with white and just one of the other colors: red, purple, yellow, orange, blue, and green (in rough order of difficulty)
Make a rainbow (diagonals are ROYGBPW in order). What color is the back?
Materials: Wood: tochi
Classification: 1.3 Misc. Put-Together
Purchase: Visit Kumikiya shop ; Price and timing are undecided.
Designer: Kris Antibus, Matthew Hochberg
Goal: Put the five pieces into the box and completely close the door.
Materials: 3D Printed PLA
Classification: 1.2. 3D Assembly
Purchase: Visit Skill Required
Designer: John Liu
Goal: Remove the ball and then restore it
Materials: Plastic, metal
Classification: 2.1. Trick opening box
Purchase: Contact the designer by Email email: 214976205 (at) .
What Symmetry?
Designer: Bram Cohen
Goal: Figure out the symmetry property the object.
Materials: Plastic
Classification: PAT-OTH
Purchase: Contact the designer by Email email: bram (at) .
Yoga Blocks
Designer: Lucie Pauwels
Goal: Assemble the seven pieces to a 6x6 square. Additional challenges:
4x4 square (3 pieces)
5x5 square (5 pieces)
3x5 rectangle (3 pieces)
4x5 rectangle (4 pieces)
5x6 rectangle (6 pieces)
4x9 rectangle (7 pieces)
Materials: Wood, metal
Classification: 1.3. Misc. Put-together
Designer: Gavin Duffell, Dominic Murphy
Move the red piece from the bottom to the top double square position.
Move the copper colored T-piece from its position.
Materials: Epoxy resin & acrylic for case
Classification: 5.3. Sliding Pieces
Purchase: Visit
Designer: Bram Cohen, Eitan Cher
Goal: Fully disassemble the tower of pieces, then reassemble them. You may use any number of pieces, but six is a good starting challenge.
Materials: 3D Printed Plastic
Classification: 3.4. Burr Puzzle
Purchase: Visit Eitan's Google Form to order one printed in your favorite colors.