Sequential Movement - Rubik's Cube

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Rubik's Cube
Rubik's Cube - Pieces
Designer:Larry Nichols and Erno Rubik
Category:Sequential Movement

Erno Rubik was awarded a patent for his cube in Hungary in 1976 for his cube and it was the licensed under that patent to Ideal Toy Company who sold millions of the things. Larry Nichols, a Massachusetts chemist had designed a 2X2X2 cube puzzle in 1957 and was awarded a U.S. patent for cube puzzles in 1972. In 1984, he won an infringement suit against Ideal. All evidence indicates the two came up with the idea independently.
No verbal description should be necessary. If you've never encountered one, consider yourself lucky.
The bottom photograph shows the pieces that make up "the cube". Only one of the center squares has been removed from the hub, the other five remain attached. This is just the way I lay the pieces out before putting then into one of my impossible bottles. If you are a cube expert and see no challenge in it anymore, get yourself some twelve-inch hemostats and put yours into a bottle. Nice dexterity puzzle!
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