Adam & Eve
Designer: Alan Rolfs, Tom Sun, George Miller
Goal: Join the heads together, leaving the apple wrapped around Adam's legs. Materials: Brass, steel, glass
Classification: Disentanglement
Barreled Bolt
Designer: Eitan Cher and David Tsur
Goal: Use the vertical cuts and the middle band of the barrel to scramble and restore the bolt. Materials: 3D-printed nylon
Classification: 5.4: Sequential Movement
Notes: Designed and developed by Eitan Cher, based on a puzzle concept by David Tsur
Purchase: Contact the designer by Email. |
Designer: Volker Latussek
Goal: Take the seven blocks out. Then put them back. Materials: Dark walnut and beech
Classification: Disentanglement
Order from
or by Email, starting October 2017. |
Black&White Antislide
Designer: Volker Latussek
- Place the three white blocks into the box so that they cannot move in the closed box, and so that the four black blocks can be added to the reopened box without moving the white blocks and the box closed afterwards.
- Start instead by placing the four black blocks.
Materials: Samena and hevea woods
Classification: 1.2 3-D assembly
Purchase: Order from
or by Email, starting October 2017. |
Burr Lock E
Designer: Christoph Lohe
Goal: Open the shackle Materials: Honduran mahogany, ash, bocote
Classification: Interlocking
Purchase: Available at CUBICDISSECTION (Eric Fuller) after April 11, 2017. |
Designer: Jerry McFarland
Goal: Remove the key piece and disassemble. Materials: Wood, magnets, metal pins
Classification: Interlocking
Notes: This is a semi-automatic burr, with magnets providing surprising help along the way. |
Designer: Aaron Wang
Goal: Remove the metal ring Materials: Metal, wood, rope
Classification: Topological disentanglement
Purchase: Order from
or by Email; price is $16. |
Colonel's Bouquet
Designer: George Sicherman
- For any pair of pieces, join to form a symmetric shape.
- Join all four pieces to form a solid box.
Materials: Koa wood, Brazilian rosewood
Classification: Slocum 1.2: 3-D Put-Together Puzzles
Color Cube Sudoku
Designer: Raphael Meyers
- Arrange the nine cubes in a square, so that the colors form a 6x6 Latin Square.
- First goal, additionally every 3x2 rectangle that includes exactly two cubes must contain all six colors, and the overall pattern matches the first color template below.
- First goal, additionally the four squares that comprise the edge between any two neighboring cubes must form an X, where each pair of squares share the same color, and the overall pattern matches the second color template below.
- Ingore the RWBG cube, and arrange the remaining cubes into a larger cube so that each 4x4 face is a Latin Square. Bonus challenge: no color can appear more than three times on any face.
Materials: Plastic
Classification: Put-Together
Congruent Figures by Overlapping
Designer: Takumi Horiguchi
Goal: Divide the four panels into two groups and overlap each pair to make congruent figures. Materials: Acrylic
Classification: 2D assembly puzzle
Convex Polygon IrN-6a
Designer: MINE (Mineyuki Uyematsu)
Goal: Make a convex polygon using the six pieces. Materials: Wood, MDF, acrylic
Classification: 2D assembly puzzle |
Designer: Volker Latussek
Goal: Put the five blocks together to make five dark cubes. Materials: Dark walnut and beech
Classification: Put-together |
Designer: Frederic Boucher
Goal: Pack the five pieces into the box. Materials: Wood (elm, wenge, zebrawood, walnut)
Classification: 3D assembly
Purchase: Contact the designer by Email. |
Diabolical 3 Cubed
Designer: Rod Bogart, Zach Bogart
Goal: With a single set of nine tiles, there are three different puzzle configurations, each with a unique solution.
- The tiles can be placed into the 3D tray such that the twelve meeting edges show the 12 pentomino shapes.
- Six of the nine tiles can form a cube such that the twelve edges show the 12 pentomino shapes.
- And of course, like Nob's original design, the nine tiles can be placed in a 3x3 grid, producing the 12 pentomino shapes.
Materials: Wood, plastic, magnets
Classification: 1.1 Put-together, 2D assembly
Notes: This is an homage to Nob’s Diabolical 3x3. |
Down the Rabbit-Hole
Designer: Peter Wiltshire
Goal: Open the box and find the White Rabbit. Materials: Nogal (walnut), curly maple, aluminum
Classification: 2.1 Trick or secret opening box
The Egyptian Glove - Band
Designer: Jonathan Leaman
Goal: Use the canvas band to cover all surfaces of the tetrahedron. Materials: Wood, canvas, thread
Classification: 1.3 Misc. put-together
Purchase: Available at |
The Egyptian Glove - Triangles
Designer: Jonathan Leaman
Goal: Use the four triangular canvas pieces to cover all surfaces of the tetrahedron. Materials: Wood, canvas, thread
Classification: 1.3 Misc. put-together
Purchase: Available at |
Fang Duet
Designer: Hayassi (Noboru Hayashi)
Goal: Disentangle the two parts Materials: Steel nails
Classification: Disentanglement
Fang Quartet
Designer: Hayassi (Noboru Hayashi)
Goal: Disentangle the four parts Materials: Steel nails
Classification: Disentanglement
Four Hands Puzzle
Designer: Ray Stanton, Pelikan
Goal: Take it apart, and put it together Materials: Wenge, acacia, padauk and purpleheart woods
Classification: Slocum 3.4 Interlocking Solid Puzzles/ Burrs
Purchase: Available at Pelikan Puzzles |
Free Me 5
Designer: Joe Turner
Goal: Free the coin from the puzzle Materials: Wood, metal rods/springs/nails, steel balls, coin
Classification: Take-apart
Notes: Everything needed to solve is provided. Contains small rolling parts; please ensure that removed parts are not swollowed or roll away. No excessive force, banging, bending, or burning is required. Purchase: Contact the designer by Email. Approximately 25 are available for sale. Price is $50 plus shipping. |
Free the Marble
Designer: Laurence Grenier
Goal: Free the marble hiden inside the cube Materials: Wood, marble
Classification: Interlocking
Purchase: Contact the designer by Email. 10 handmade prototypes available, 100€ a piece. Also looking to license for larger production. |
Designer: Osanori Yamamoto
Goal: Put the five pieces into the box Materials: Wood and MDF (color print)
Classification: Put-together, sliding pieces
Ze Genie Bottle
Designer: Stephen Chin
Goal: Open the bottle and get the reward. Materials: Wood
Classification: Slocum 2.1
Designer: Laszlo Molnar
Goal: Pack the three identical pieces into the spherical capsule, so that it closes without excessive force. Materials: Plastic
Classification: 1.2 3-D assembly
Hazmat Cargo
Designer: Carl Hoff
Goal: Pack the nine assemblies, each consisting of six hasmat drums, onto the barge, an 11 by 11 array, such that no two assemblies touch, not even at a corner. (Any contact could lead to cross contamination, resulting in unwanted chemical or nuclear reactions.) Materials: Polyamide and stainless steel
Classification: 1.1 2-Dimensional assembly puzzle
Notes: Each of the possible 70,607,460 sets of nine hexominoes has at least one solution; this puzzle uses the only set with a unique solution. Purchase: Contact the designer by Email. The puzzles can be custom made in different materials and the cost will vary based on the material options chosen. |
Homage to Mr Rubik "Egg"
Designer: Tibor Sipos, Imre Kokenyesi
Goal: Insert the wand into the cube, then manoeuvre it through the spatial labyrinth from the starting point to the exit point, rotating the three layers as needed. Materials: Cherry wood
Classification: Sequential movement
Notes: This is a 3-layer "Smart Egg" style of puzzle; originally designed by Andras Zagyvai. Purchase: Order from Art & Smart Egg Ltd.
or by Email. Only 1974 pieces will be produced. Each piece is individually numbered and with built-in RFID chip. The price will be $1,974. |
Identical Twins
Designer: Osanori Yamamoto
Goal: Assemble two pieces fully inside the frame Materials: Wood
Classification: Interlocking
In a Cage
Designer: Shiro Tajima
Goal: Open the box Materials: Wedding cake tree, red toon, cherry
Classification: 2.1 Trick or secret opening puzzle
Designer: Shiro Tajima
Goal: Open the box Materials: Monarch birch, walnut, Japanese cherry
Classification: 2.1 Trick or secret opening puzzle
Purchase: Visit the website Chie-no-ki. |
Designer: Vinco Obsivac
Goal: Make an icosahedral shape Materials: Plum tree
Classification: Interlocking puzzle
Available at |
Lacing Problem
Designer: Lucie Pauwels
Goal: Connect the holes with the shoelace, with colors matching as indicated on the board, and not allowing any slack at the back. Materials: MDF, shoelace
Classification: Put-Together
Designer: Péter Gál
Goal: Use all of the pieces, form a Legomino with the following attributes:
- Rotational symmetry
- Mirror symmetry
- Yellow and blue shapes are congruent (may be rotated or reflected)
- Both the yellow and blue shapes are symmetric
Materials: Lego
Classification: 1.1 2-Dimensional assembly puzzle
Notes: A Legomino is a one-sided polyomino made from Lego. |
Lucky Cube
Designer: Keiichi Miyazaki
Goal: Form a variety of shapes with the two differently colored pieces. Materials: Plastic
Classification: Interlocking puzzle
Notes: Similar to, but different from the Yoshimoto Cube #1
Purchase: Commercial product will be sold by Hanayama starting Spring 2018. |
MiSenary Puzzle Box
Designer: Michel van Ipenburg
- Open the box by removing the lid.
- Close the box by inserting the lid and bringing it back to the start position.
Materials: hardwood, trespa, metal
Classification: Slocum 2.1 trick or secret opening puzzles
Purchase: Contact the designer by Email. Puzzles will be made to order. Price will be about €75, plus shipping. |
Moulin Rouge
Designer: Stephan Baumegger
Goal: Open the mill and find the hidden CanCan dancer. Materials: Wood (amarant,merbau,beech), polyscrew, neodymium magnets
Classification: OPN OTH
Purchase: Contact the designer by Email. |
The Mouse's Tale
Designer: Simon Nightingale
Goal: Open the box Materials: Walnut
Classification: OPN
Notes: No force is required.
Purchase: One will be auctioned for charity (OXFAM) later in 2017. |
Neckische Würfel (Mischievous Cubes)
Designer: Albert Gübeli
Goal: Assemble the six puzzle pieces (each with both colors on opposite sides) to simultaneously form a red and a golden "cube". Materials: Painted wood
Classification: ASS-POLY
Purchase: Available at Two puzzles produced; price $120. |
No Full Pirouette!
Designer: Namick Salakhov
Goal: Spin and slide the boards successively so that all of the blue triangles point to the right. Then restore the starting positions (all green triangles pointing to the right). Materials: Vinyl
Classification: Sequential motion
Notes: Each of the six modules obeys various recursive cardinalities: variations of binary, ternary, and quaternary. Purchase: Contact the designer by Email. |
Nonagon 48
Designer: Koshi Arai
- Put the 11 kinds of tetranons and two dinons (total 48 nonagons) into either the type A or C tray.
- Find the solutions with all black surfaces.
Materials: Wood
Classification: Put together
La Pajarita Convexa (The Convex Bow Tie)
Designer: Primitivo Familiar Ramos
Goal: Find all 11 convex shapes made using the eight identical triangles. Materials: Cherry wood
Classification: 1. Put-Together 1.1. 2-Dimensional assembly
Purchase: Contact Walt Hoppe by Email. |
Pencil Box
Designer: Kohno Ichiro
Goal: Open the box with care Materials: Ash, magnet
Classification: Take-Apart
Purchase: Contact the designer by Email. |
Pent Up
Designer: Louis Toorenburg
Goal: Place all 12 pentomino pieces on one of the six boards so that the same color shows through each of the holes, (and simply cover the black squares with the blue tiles). For each board, only three colors can be solved. Materials: Perspex/cardboard
Classification: Put-together puzzle
Purchase: Contact the designer by Email. |
Perfect Match
Designer: ZhaoYue (Turing)
Goal: Put the 12 blocks (four cubes, eight cuboids) into the box and close the lid smoothly. No force is required. Materials: 3D printed plastic
Classification: 3D Box packing
Purchase: Contact the designer by Email; price: $60.
Puzzle Bracelet
Designer: Yael Friedman
Goal: Take apart, and put together Materials: 3D printed ABS
Classification: Take-apart
The Rocking Horse Puzzle
Designer: Mike Toulouzas
Goal: Rock the horse, and find the nice award as it rocks. Materials: Kotibe, ebony, mutenye
Classification: Sequential discovery
Purchase: Future copies will be made. |
Ruled Cube
Designer: Chirag Mehta
Goal: Use the eight pieces to make a cube Materials: 3D printed nylon
Classification: 3.2 Interlocking solid
Purchase: Contact the designer by Email. |
Sequence Logic
Designer: Jesse Born
Goal: Raise all four locks on the lid to open the puzzle box Materials: Katalox, maple, cherry, tulip poplar
Classification: Misc. sequential movement
Purchase: Contact the designer by Email. |
Designer: Péter Gál
Goal: Place the six colored blocks on a card, satisfying all of the logical constraints. Blocks can be placed in any orientation but must be within the 6x6 grid. Materials: smoked oak, ash, paper
Classification: 1.3 Miscellaneous put-together puzzle
Notes: There are 20 challenge cards; cards #1, #6, #11, #17 are recommended. |
Designer: Markku Vesala
Goal: Assemble the six identical pieces, and a magnet, to form a cubical shape with a cross on each face. Materials: Cast iron and magnet
Classification: Put-together
Sliding Maze
Designer: Kirill Grebnev
Goal: Start from the initial position (see photo), and move the key piece from lower-left corner to the lower-right corner. Materials: Acrylic
Classification: Sequential movement, 2-D sliding piece puzzle
Purchase: Available at |
Sliding Tetris
Designer: Diniar Namdarian
Goal: Remove the ball Materials: PLA and arcrylic
Classification: Sequential movement
Purchase: Contact the designer by Email
. Simple version can be bought for 25€. The Collectors Version, with additional 11 pieces, wil cost 47€. |
Ze Super Pens
Designer: Stephen Chin
Goal: Remove the jewel from inside each pen Materials: Brass and acrylic
Classification: Slocum 2.1
Designer: Jerry Loo, Stanislav Knot
Goal: Place the three pieces flat on a surface to form a symmetrical shape. Materials: Acrylic
Classification: 1.1 2D assembly
Notes: There are four solutions. Purchase: Contact designer via Jerry's Mechanical Puzzle Collection blog. |
Designer: Alexandre Muñiz
- (Warmup) Fill the tray with the pieces.
- As above, but all pieces of the same color must have holes aligned the same way.
- As in second goal, and the pieces of each color must form connected groups.
- As in second goal, and no two pieces of the same color may touch along an edge. (They may touch at corners.)
Materials: Acrylic
Classification: Slocum 1.1: Put-together, 2D Assembly
Purchase: Available at |
Designer: Shiro Tajima
Goal: Open the box Materials: Walnut, kenponashi, katsura, kaya
Classification: 2.1 Trick or secret opening puzzle
Purchase: Visit the website Chie-no-ki. |
There Goes Bill
Designer: Kelly Snache
Goal: Set Bill the Lizard free from the chimney Materials: Wood, magnets
Classification: Trick-opening box
Notes: No force required; take care of delicate parts Purchase: Contact the designer by Email. There are 6 copies avaialble. |
Designer: Haym Hirsh
- Assemble the four L-shaped pieces using the two longer bolts so that they form a 2x2x3 shape whose components stay connected in one piece after assembly.
- Now do the same using the two longer bolts as well as the shorter bolt.
Each bolt must go through more than one piece and must be fastened with a nut on its far end.
Materials: Vintage spools/thread, thimbles, bolts, nuts, washers
Classification: Put-together
3 Pieces 9 Symmetric Shapes
Designer: Emrehan Halici
Goal: Use the three pieces to make a symmetric shape. Materials: Plastic
Classification: 2D assembly
Notes: There are nine solutions. |
Designer: Andrei Ivanov
Goal: Take apart, and put together Materials: Stainless steel
Classification: Interlocking
Purchase: Available at; price $22. |
Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Designer: Brian Young
Goal: Completely separate Tweedledum from Tweedledee, and find the secret compartment. Then reassemble. Materials: Blackbean, silver ash, blackbutt, brass, stainless steel
Classification: 2.1 Trick or Secret Opening
Designer: Donghoon Pee
Goal: Arrange the five pieces on the grass so all pieces of the same color (which includes the given pieces in the grass) are connected. Materials: Acrylic
Classification: Put-together
Purchase: Contact the designer by Email. |
Unlawful Assembly
Designer: Goh Pit Khiam
Goal: Pack the pieces flat into the box Materials: Maple box; yellowheart and granadillo pieces
Classification: Put-together
Will You Marry Me #50
Designer: Yael Friedman
Goal: Take apart to reveal the "diamond ring" Materials: 3D printed strong, and flexible plastic
Classification: Take-apart
XYZ Cube
Designer: Chirag Mehta
Goal: Use the eight pieces to make a cube Materials: 3D-printed nylon
Classification: 3.2 Interlocking solids
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Email. |
Yo Dawg, I Herd You Like Hexominoes
Designer: Wei-Hwa Huang
Goal: Find the one intended way to assemble the hexominoes into a rectangle using the piece colors, materials, and colored vinyl markings on the mat as hints. Materials: Acrylic, cloth, rope, plastic, vinyl
Classification: Put-together