2013 Puzzle Design Competition


  • 60 puzzles entered; the 2013 Competition Entries page includes designers, images, and descriptions (purchasing information later).
  • Judging at IPP33 in Narita, Japan, August 2-4, 2013.
  • The Puzzlers' Award selected by IPP attendees; all other prizes selected by Judging Committee. Click on images below for more information.

2013 Prize Winners

Puzzlers' Award

Dancing Shoes
Goh Pit Khiam

Jury Grand Prize

Helical Burr
Derek Bosch

Jury First Prize

Andras Zagyvai

Jury Honorable Mention

Bram Cohen

Slide Twist Twist Slide
Tony Fisher

Top 10 Vote Getters

The following designs were in the top-10 in voting for the Puzzlers' Award,
but were not otherwise recognized with a formal Jury prize.

Symmetrick - Vesa Timonen
Snake Case - Hiroaki Hamanaka
Tri-symmetrics - Vladimir Krasnoukhov and Irina Novichkova

TetraCubed - Robert Reid, George Miller, Stan Isaacs
Bucolic Cube - Yasuhiro Hashimoto


© 2001-2013 by Puzzle Design Competition Committee