2012 Puzzle Design Competition


The Design Competition Guide (photos, instructions, and relevant notes) is available here.

The following is a summary of the 80 entries in the 2012 competition (click on images for larger photos). All designs are copyrighted and are the intellectual property of the designer. All rights are reserved.

1€ Labyrinth Puzzle

Designer: Robrecht Louage
Goal: Remove the coin.

Materials: Trespa, Acrylic, steel balls
Classification: Routefinding puzzle

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email ; price: 20€.

13 Triangles

Designer: Ed Pegg Jr
Goal: Place the 13 different triangles into the tray, using either an all-orthogonal or all-diagonal grid.

Materials: Alder, walnut
Classification: Put-together

Purchase: Available at puzzlemist.com for $25.

3 Color Cube

Designer: Lucie Pauwels

  • Make a red cube.
  • Make a yellow cube.
  • Make a blue cube.

Materials: Wood - beech
Classification: Put together

Notes: The cube is dissected into 24 pieces, in a way that the total surface area is three times the surface of the cube; so it is possible to make 3 different colored cubes with the pieces.


Designer: Hideki Tsuiki

  • Fit both types of pieces into the small box, (1/8 of the large box).
  • Put all nine pieces into the large box.
  • Put all nine pieces into the large box so that pieces meet face to face, edge to edge, and vertex to vertex, and there is no gap between pieces.

Materials: Wood (piece), acrylic (box)
Classification: 3D Assembly

Notes: The two puzzle pieces H (Hexagonal Bipyramid) and T (Triangular Antiprismoid) are imaginary cubes, i.e., objects which have square projections in three orthogonal directions just as the cube. H and T also form a tiling of 3D space.

Purchase: Available from Kyoto University Museum Shop (http://imaginarycube.jimdo.com) or by Email.

3-Layer Tetraxis Array

Designer: Jane and John Kostick
Goal: Use the set of 61 sticks and blocks to put together seven compositions that symmetrically surround a center:

  • Using one block and the 12 longest sticks
  • Using the 12 blocks and the 12 mid-length sticks
  • Using the 24 shortest sticks
  • Combine 1 & 2
  • Combine 1 & 3
  • Combine 2 & 3
  • Combine 1, 2 & 3

Materials: Wood, magnets and silicon bronze
Classification: Put-together

Purchase: Visit kosticks.com.

3x3x3 Cube with Chess Board Faces

Designer: Albert Gübeli
Goal: Assemble the six pieces using partial folding to build a 3x3x3 checkerboard cube.

Materials: 27 cubes MDF 19 mm, black and red adhesive tape
Classification: ASS-CART / FOL-HSEP

Purchase: Available at www.albinegri.ch; price: $60.

Arrow Blocks

Designer: Goh Pit Khiam
Goal: Starting from the position shown, restore the dark arrow, and leave space so that the light arrowhead may be restored.

Materials: Box - Indian rosewood, pieces - maple, arrows: yellowheart and Brazilian blackwood
Classification: Sequential movement

Notes: The puzzle resembles Bill Cutler's Slide-Blocked Sliding Block Puzzle, but is a completely different concept. Only when restarting the puzzle are you allowed to remove the cover of the frame and freely rearrange the pieces to the starting position (shown here).

Bare Bones

Designer: Steve Winter
Goal: Navigate the maze ball from the starting position at the entrance ring to the treasure position at the goal ring, and then back again.

Materials: Laser sintered nylon, enamel paints
Classification: Maze and Route/Dexterity

Notes: Walls of a conventional 3D maze are replaced with rods. Many rods have been removed, and distracting rods added. A plastic case forms the outer walls so that the core of the maze becomes more visible.

Purchase: Available for $12.99 at Shapeways Ethereal Maze Puzzles. Use the "Send Message" link to inquire about custom orders.

Befuddling Butterfly

Designer: William Waite
Goal: Fit the 10 pieces into the tray. There are 231 different solutions.

Materials: Red alder and walnut
Classification: 1.1 2-Dimensional assembly puzzle

Purchase: Available at www.puzzlemist.com.

Blind Burr

Designer: Gregory Benedetti
Goal: Disassemble and reassemble.

Materials: Bloodwood
Classification: Interlocking

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email ; price: $90.


Designer: Volker Latussek
Goal: Use the six petals to create a solid circle.

Materials: Walnut
Classification: Put-together

Purchase: Available at www.ahmes.de.

Bottle & Glass

Designer: Victor Lam & Kazakh Wong
Goal: Separate the bottle from the glass.

Materials: Glass, rope, wooden beads , metal ring
Classification: Disentanglement

Purchase: Available at www.felixpuzzle.com , or contact the designer by Email . Price: $50.


Designer: Carl N. Hoff
Goal: After the puzzle is scrambled the goal is to restore each face of the puzzle to a single solid color.

Materials: 3D printed nylon, dyed black, screws, vinyl stickers
Classification: Twisty puzzle – Slocum category 4.5

Purchase: Many variations available at the HK Now Store.


Designer: Jerry McFarland

  • Remove 4 key pieces (45 steps)
  • Disassembly frame (15 steps)
Materials: Walnut, maple and mahogany notched square sticks
Classification: Interlocking Solid Puzzle

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email ; price: $250.

Butterfly & Flowers

Designer: Shusong Lin
Goal: Open the box.

Materials: Maple, cherry, walnut, and magnet
Classification: Trick opening

The "By George" Burr

Designer: George Syriaque
Goal: Disassemble and assemble six pieces to form a 6 piece burr-shaped puzzle.

Materials: East Indian rosewood and maple
Classification: Interlocking

Notes: Level serially interlocking burr.

Purchase: Contact craftsman Brian Menold by Email or at Wood Wonders. May also be available at www.puzzlewood.de.

Caged Polycubes

Designer: John Rausch
Goal: Fill the cage with the three tetracubes (R,S,T) and four pentacubes (either A,L,N,Q or F,J,L,P).

Materials: Wood
Classification: Put-together

Notes: Use the assembly jig to test out assemblies before trying to put them into the cage. With the 17 non-planar pentacubes and 3 non-planar tetracubes, there are 110 piece combinations with 259 ways to fill the cage after removal of reflections and rotations.

Purchase: Contact craftsman Tom Lensch by Email.

Catch 22

Designer: Kim Klobucher
Goal: Open the box.

Materials: Argentine lignum vitae
Classification: Opening

Notes: After years of working with gravity pin designs, this is the result of what was initially considered a mistake, but was actually a great puzzle in disguise.

Purchase: Available at kcubedesigns.com, or contact the designer by Email.

Chamfered Cube

Designer: Jane and John Kostick
Goal: Use either set of 12 sticks to hold the 8 blocks in place at the corners of a cube. Add the other set of sticks to make a large chamfered cube, which is the shape of the small white block that can fit in the center of the arrangement.

Materials: Wood and magnets
Classification: Put-together

Purchase: Visit kosticks.com.


Designer: Kohfuh Satoh
Goal: Arrange the pieces to make a shape of a bowler hat.

Materials: Wood (bubinga)
Classification: Put-together puzzle

Clustered Anew

Designer: Scott Peterson
Goal: Disassemble, then re-assemble the six pieces to form a cluster arrangement of six rhombic dodecahedrons.

Materials: Wood: jatoba and ziricote
Classification: Interlocking

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.


Designer: Tom Longtin
Goal: Build an interlocking shape using several sets of a simple 3-piece puzzle.

Materials: Laser-cut fiberboard
Classification: Interlocking

Notes: COG-Cubed is made from eight sets of the familiar COG 3-piece burr, properly oriented and arranged in a 2 x 2 x 2 cubic array. The pieces are constructed in such a way that larger and more complex puzzles may be created.

Constrained Cube

Designer: Tom van der Zanden
Goal: First scramble the puzzle and then restore each face to a solid color by a sequence of face turns.

Materials: ABS (injection molded), self-adhesive vinyl
Classification: Sequential movement

Notes: This puzzle is like a regular 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube, but on each face there is a little cogwheel that limits to what degree it can be turned. A face can be limited to turn only with 90 or 180 degrees of freedom, be free to turn a full 360 degrees or can even be blocked to not turn at all. By combining these variants many thousands of different puzzles can be made, some far harder than the original 3x3x3 cube.

Purchase: Visit designer's website (www.tomvanderzanden.nl) for more information on when this puzzle will be available.

Crazy Pentahedron

Designer: Bao Daqing
Goal: Scramble and restore.

Materials: ABS plastic
Classification: Rubik's type twisty puzzle

Purchase: Visit twistypuzzles.com.

Double Duals

Designer: Jane and John Kostick
Goal: Make a pair of complementary arrangements such that each one contains blocks and 12 sticks symmetrically surrounding a center. Then put them together so that one is inside the other, and they both surround the block without magnets. Then repeat the entire process with each set of sticks making the opposite arrangement.

Materials: Wood and magnets
Classification: Put-together

Purchase: Visit kosticks.com.

Double G

Designer: JinHoo Ahn
Goal: Separate the pieces, and restore the original shape.

Materials: Aluminum
Classification: Disentanglement

Notes: No force required.

Double Symmetry

Designer: Tom Lee
Goal: Arrange the three pieces (one piece is already fixed to the base) to make two symmetric figures simultaneously.

Materials: Acrylic board
Classification: 2-D Assembly

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email ; price: $10.


Designer: Vladimir Krasnoukhov
Goal: Make a symmetrical shape. Try to find both solutions, and it will become clear why the puzzle has this name.

Materials: Laser-cut plastic
Classification: 1.1 2 Dimensional Assembly

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.

Ferris' Box

Designer: Peter Wiltshire
Goal: Open the puzzle box.

Materials: Maple, walnut wood, brass and metal pieces
Classification: 2.1 Trick or secret opening box

Fidgety Rabbits

Designer: Namick Salakhov
Goal: Move all seven "rabbits" through the "gate" so that they can be removed from the device.

Materials: PVC foamboard
Classification: Sequential movement

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.

Gear Pyraminx

Designer: Timur Evbatyrov
Goal: Scramble the puzzle, then find a solution to restore the original shape and match colors on all faces.

Materials: ABS plastic vinyl, stickers
Classification: Sequential movement

Purchase: Mass-produced Gear Pyraminx are available at www.mefferts.com; price: $36.

Genie in the Bottle

Designer: Erhan Cubukcuoglu
Goal: Remove the bottle from the device.

Materials: Mahogany, beech, African olive, padauk, etc. magnets, brass
Classification: Take-apart

Purchase: Visit puzzlerhan.wordpress.com or contact the designer by Email.

Guile in the Box

Designer: Scott Elliott
Goal: Put the four pieces inside and shut the lid flat.

Materials: PVC (vinyl)
Classification: 1.2 3-Dimensional put-together, non-interlocking

Purchase: Puzzles built-to-order for $130; reduced price for test models. Contact the designer by Email or at mysd300.blogspot.com.

Heptagon 48

Designer: Koshi Arai
Goal: Fit the 2 sets of 6 tetrahepts (a total 48 heptagons) into the tray.

Materials: Marble
Classification: Put-together

Notes: The regular heptagon can tile the plane if allowing for pentagonal space. This puzzle uses that tiling. A “tetrahept” is a figure made of four regular heptagons joined edge to edge. There are seven tetrahepts, but only six are compatible with this tiling.

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.

Houdini's Torture Cell

Designer: Brian Young
Goal: Free Houdini from the Torture Cell.

Materials: Walnut, plastic, metal, and magnets
Classification: 2.1 Trick or Secret Opening

Notes: You will discover some tools and must determine how to use them. Yes, there are lots of magnets in the puzzle but no hitting or banging is required to solve the puzzle.


Designer: Ken Irvine
Goal: Place the I, P, P, 3, 2, W, D, C pieces in the frame so that they are enclosed by the frame and locked in place by the final piece.

Materials: Red oak frame, poplar pieces
Classification: Interlocking

J Loops

Designer: Camille Xu
Goal: Remove the string from the wire.

Materials: Steel wire, rope
Classification: Disentanglement

Purchase: Available at www.felixpuzzle.com, or contact the designer by Email ; price: $10.

Just One More

Designer: Tom Lock
Goal: Place all 17 pieces into the square tray.

Materials: Walnut, birch veneer plywood
Classification: Put-together

Little Game Hunter

Designer: Robert Yarger
Goal: Discover two hidden chambers by moving external puzzle pieces; then take apart the entire puzzle into individual pieces and re-assemble.

Materials: Mahogany and cedar
Classification: Take-part

Little Window

Designer: Tom Jolly
Goal: Take apart, or put together. Both equally challenging.

Materials: Manzanita and zebrawood
Classification: Take-apart

Purchase: Visit www.jollygames.com.

Lock Device

Designer: Hiroshi Yamamoto
Goal: Arrange the five pieces on the flat table so that all the pieces are interlocked with no relative movement.

Materials: Walnut
Classification: 2D interlocking

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.

The "Locked Room Mystery" Puzzle

Designer: Simon Nightingale
Goal: Open box with the key provided.

Materials: Corian, acrylic and steel
Classification: Trick opening


Designer: Kelly Snache
Goal: Remove the free-floating lid.

Materials: Box made from rosewood; internal made from misc. exotic woods
Classification: Take-apart

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email ; price: $225 each.

Match the Eight Cubes

Designer: Gregory Benedetti
Goal: Construct eight cubes. Slight flexing of pieces is required.

Materials: Nylon colored and varnished
Classification: Interlocking

Purchase: Available at Shapeways addictopuz.

The Matrix

Designer: Pantazis Houlis
Goal: Use the tubes to to arrange the four balls (each of different color) into their correct location.

Materials: Two plastic cylinders, eight plastic pipes, and four plastic marbles/beads.
Classification: Sequential movement

Notes: The Matrix tubes represent two permutations and their inverses.

Purchase: Visit www.houlis.com or contact the designer by Email.

Mechanical Rings

Designer: Yuta Akira
Goal: Take apart, and put back together.

Materials: Wood
Classification: Disentanglement/Interlocking

Notes: Inspired by Cast Coil.


Designer: Tom van der Zanden
Goal: Scramble the puzzle and then restore each face to a solid color by a sequence of turns of the 12 faces.

Materials: Nylon (selective laser sintering), self-adhesive vinyl
Classification: Sequential movement

Notes: This puzzle is comprised of two puzzles, where a smaller puzzle sits inside of a larger puzzle. A turn on the outside puzzle also affects the inner puzzle. Of course, both puzzles must be solved simultaneously. By varying the cut depths on a face-turning dodecahedron, different types of pieces appear and disappear. In this puzzle, that combines the piece sets from the Master Pentultimate and Megaminx puzzles, all pieces that can be created using just two cuts are present and must be solved.

Purchase: A DIY kit with plastic pieces is available at ShapewaysTom's Puzzles; price starting at $225. Fully assembled and finished copies are also available at www.tomvanderzanden.nl or from the designer by Email.

Nested Cubes

Designer: Tom Lensch
Goal: Arrange the nested cubes with lids so that they fit inside the largest box with the fixed brass rod. Each cube must be oriented so that the rod goes through one of its three holes.

Materials: Walnut boxes and brass pin
Classification: Put-together

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email ; price: $100.

New 3-4-5iamonds

Designer: Koshi Arai
Goal: Place the 20 pieces into either side of the tray. One side of the tray is a single-layer triangle; the other side is a double-layer diamond.

  • Goal 1: It doesn't matter whether pieces are light or dark side up.
  • Goal 2: Place all pieces dark-side up.

Materials: Rosewood coated fiberboard
Classification: Put-together

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.

One Circle - Two Circles

Designer: Diniar Namdarian
Goal: Arrange the marbles into groups of four with the same colors, and arrange the groups as indicated by the colored fragments of the top panel. The central circle allows for two different configurations: one with two distinct circles (each with 12 marbles), or a single closed loop with all 24 marbles.

Materials: Acrylic
Classification: 5 Sequential Movement

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email ; price: 18€.


Designer: Chris Enright
Goal: Fit the five pieces flat within the tray.

Materials: Acrylic and ABS plastics
Classification: ASS-OTH

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.

Peanut Gallery

Designer: Eric Harshbarger
Goal: Slide the pieces (without picking them up) so that they end up in the same arrangement as the start but where no two adjacent (touching) pieces have the same color. The start position is shown in the photo and on the bottom of the tray (identical line styles correspond to identical colors).

Materials: Puzzle: Laser cut acrylic. Case: Re-used audio CD case with foam insert.
Classification: Sliding

Purchase: Available from www.ericharshbarger.org; price: $25.

Pearson Puzzle Pieces

Designer: Randy Pearson
Goal: Construct a cube using the eight pieces.

Materials: Bubinga wood
Classification: Interlocking

Notes: Inspired by Stewart Coffin's Pieces-of-Eight.

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.

Perplexing Palace Puzzle

Designer: James Dalgety and Martin & Brian Scoefield
Goal: The Queen, surrounded by her nine attendants, starts in the center of the palace. Take her out of the palace then return her and her attendants to their starting positions.

Materials: Acrylic
Classification: OPN-OTH

Purchase: Visit puzzlemuseum.com.

Prickly Burr 12

Designer: Peter Conrad
Goal: Disassemble and reassemble the 12-piece burr.

Materials: 3D-printed plastic
Classification: Put-together

Notes: This puzzles explores the possibilities of rhombic dodecahedral geometry by reinventing the traditional burr. The pieces are made to interlock without moving outside the framework of the shape on which the puzzle depends.

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email ; price: $240.

Puzzle in a Puzzle Box

Designer: Thomas Beutner
Goal: Open the box, and assemble a pyramid-like stack of balls using all the pieces contained in the box.

Materials: Walnut, ebony, birdseye maple, maple, bamboo, felt, magnets
Classification: Trick opening puzzle box and 3D assembly

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.

Rat Box

Designer: Sam Cornwell
Goal: Open the box into four pieces, then re-assemble box.

Materials: Idigbu wood, brass screws
Classification: OPN-BOX

Rattle Twist Duo

Designer: Osanori Yamamoto
Goal: Disassemble and reassemble the three pieces. Two options for the ring pieces are provided.

Materials: Wood
Classification: Interlocking

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.


Designer: Viktor Genel

  • Take it apart into three pieces. This is only possible by moving all three parts at the same time.
  • Put the puzzle back together. In order to do this the parts must be precisely positioned relative to each other. After that they will slide together with coordinated motion.

Materials: Stainless steel infused with bronze.
Classification: Coordinate motion

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.

RotoPrism 2

Designer: David Pitcher
Goal: Scramble the puzzle by making a few random twists on the three turning axes, then restore it to its original state with one color on each face, and all curved pieces in alignment with each other.

Materials: Selective laser sintered (SLS) nylon, vinyl stickers, steel screws & springs.
Classification: Sequential Movement

Notes: 180 degree turns are required unless an axis face shows 4-way symmetry, in which cae 90 degree turns are possible.

Purchase: Available at Shapeways Pitcher Puzzles.

Six Cushion Shot

Designer: Wayne Daniel
Goal: Pack 19 pieces in 4x4x4 plastic box.

Materials: Maple, sapella, padauk
Classification: Packing

Notes: This design is based on the cyclic path of a virtual particle bouncing around inside a cube.

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.


Designer: Andras Zagyvai
Goal: Lead the stick from start (red) to finish (green), trough the spatial, multi layered, dynamic body.

Materials: Bird cherry wood
Classification: Sequential movement

Purchase: Visit www.smartegg.eu.

Square in the Bag

Designer: Iwahiro (Hirokazu Iwasawa)
Goal: Place the square completely inside the bag. No undue force is required.

Materials: Acrylic (square piece), Nylon (bag)
Classification: 1.2 3-D Assembly

Square Waltz

Designer: MINE (Mineyuki Uyematsu) with Kzy* (Kazuya Oiso)
Goal: Arrange the four triangular pyramid pieces (all faces are right-triangles) on the transparent glass stage to make:

  • Orange square
  • White square

Materials: Stained glass
Classification: 3-Dimensional assembly

Purchase: Available only in Japan at MINE * WEB-SHOP; price: 18,000¥.

StarHex II

Designer: Jacob Lettie, Kate Jones, Elijah Allen
Goal: Assemble the 17 polystar tiles so that the total length of common edges between tiles of the same color is minimized.

Materials: Lasercut acrylic in four transparent colors, and white tray
Classification: Put-together

Purchase: Available at Kadon Enterprises or contact by Email ; price $35.

Tango in Nut

Designer: Namick Salakhov

  • Take the halved sliding screw with stair-like thread out of the halved sliding nut.
  • Find the shortest path.

Materials: PVC foam board
Classification: Sequential motion

Notes: The extra piece is a tool to turn the screw when it cannot be grabbed.

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.

Target in a Cube

Designer: Bertrand Michaut
Goal: Disassemble and reassemble the cube, while arranging the position of internal pieces.

Materials: Wood: akume, satinwood, patawa
Classification: Interlocking


Designer: Timur Evbatyrov
Goal: Scramble the puzzle by making random turns on two turning axes, and find a solution to restore the original colors pattern.

Materials: Selective laser sintered (SLS) nylon, vinyl stickers
Classification: Sequential movement

Purchase: The DIY-kit is available at Shapeways shim's; the stickered version is available from designer by Email.


Designer: Emrehan Halici

  • Using three pieces, form an isosceles triangle.
  • Using four pieces, form a square.
  • Using all of the five pieces, form a regular pentagon

Materials: Plastic
Classification: Put-together


Designer: Iwahiro (Hirokazu Iwasawa)

  • Take out the coin.
  • Put the coin back in place.

Materials: Aluminum, coin
Classification: 2.2 Secret Compartment

Purchase: Available from Wil Strijbos via Email; price: 18€.


Designer: David Pitcher
Goal: Scramble the puzzle by making a few random turns on the three turning axes, then restore it to its original state with a single color on each face.

Materials: Selective laser sintered (SLS) nylon, vinyl stickers, steel screws & springs.
Classification: Sequential movement

Purchase: Available at Shapeways Pitcher Puzzles.

Twisted Symmetry

Designer: Steve Winter
Goal: Navigate the ball from the entrance to the exit; or navigate from the exit to the entrance.

Materials: Laser sintered nylon, enamel paints, plastic box
Classification: Maze and Route / Dexterity

Notes: Walls of a conventional 3D maze are replaced with rods. Many rods have been removed, and distracting rods added. Also the outside frame has been altered to form symmetric designs.

Purchase: Available at Shapeways Ethereal Maze Puzzles; price: $16.99. Use the "Send Message" link to inquire about custom orders.


Designer: Rohit Kumar Singh
Goal: Slide the blocks to construct a maze that provides a continuous path for the ball to travel from start to finish.

Materials: Durafoam PA and Aqua 60
Classification: Sliding Piece Puzzles

Notes: Only when the maze is correctly constructed, will you be able to slide the switch on the back panel to release the ball into the maze.

The Vault

Designer: Mike Toulouzas
Goal: Open the vault, then close it.

Materials: Woods: mahogany, ebony, chakte viga
Classification: Trick opening

Notes: Closing the vault is not just reversing the opening steps--a different mechanism prevents the door from being shut by accident!

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.


Designer: Donghoon Pee
Goal: Construct a shape that is the same shape as any of the eight individual pieces, just with twice the dimensions.

Materials: Wood
Classification: Put together

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.

Washington Skyline

Designer: William Waite

  • Arrange the pieces into one continuous loop so as to form an imaginary Washington DC skyline. Each piece contains part of a building.
  • Find the three hidden US presidents' faces.

Materials: Walnut
Classification: 1.1 2-Dimensional assembly puzzle

Purchase: Available at puzzlemist.com

With Luck or Effort

Designer: Ichiro Kohno
Goal: Get the wooden ball into the indentation at the end of the stick.

Materials: Poplar, ebony, dogwood, glass bottle
Classification: Dexterity

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.


Designer: Osanori Yamamoto
Goal: Assemble the four identical pieces inside the center of the board, making a 4x4x3 block.

Materials: Wood
Classification: Interlocking

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.


Designer: Sándor Bozóki
Goal: Balance all 32 sticks on the top of the stand.

Materials: Aluminum stand, pine sticks
Classification: balancing puzzle

Notes: XXXII is a variant of the nail balancing puzzle. However, sticks are without head and the top of the stand is not horizontal but peaked.

Purchase: Available at www.matches.hu or contact designer by Email.

Ze House of Mouse Ze Duong

Designer: Stephen Chin
Goal: Find Mousie hiding inside the house.

Materials: Wood, electronics
Classification: Slocum 2.1

Purchase: Contact the designer by Email.

© 2001-2012 by Puzzle Design Competition Committee